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Montagna Amica e Sicura
MontagnAmica e Sicura is an ambitious project organised by the Mountain Rescue and Mountain Guides divisions of the Club Alpino Italiano (CAI) in collaboration with all the associations involved in training and/or the prevention of accidents in the mountains.

“If Mahomet won’t come to the mountain, the mountain must go to Mahomet”
This quotation perfectly fits a project which, unlike the traditional approach through schools and colleges, is aimed directly at the community “on the road” or on the premises of their associations... certainly outside our clubs and the participating organisations. Our intention is to tap all visitors to the mountains on the shoulder and draw their attention to the typical risks of the environment they will be frequenting, disseminating knowledge of accident prevention methods and equipment and techniques for:

• proceeding in safety
• emergency rescue procedures
• organised rescue.

This is a long, demanding and far ranging information and training activity requiring the involvement of the various competent bodies operating under the auspices of the CAI and other institutions and organisations pursuing the same ends, promoting collaboration between them. The intention is for this initiative begun by the Club Alpino Italiano, Mountain Rescue and Mountain Guides Association to become permanent, continuing season after season. The aim is to promote a vast national awareness and information campaign on the theme of the prevention of accidents in the mountains. With its 491 sections throughout Italy and expert technical bodies responsible by law and by statute for training and accident prevention in the mountains, the CAI intends to be present on the ground during both the summer and winter to encourage safety in the mountains.

Click on the photographs to learn more!

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