The interregional commission for youth mountaineering promotes and encourages frequentation of the mountains by young people with interconnected contents and training in application of the Educational Project, divided into five lines:
• the values, traditions and history of mountaineering;
• movement;
• orientation;
• safety;
• the environment.
It is responsible for training and education and oversees the activities of the youth mountaineering guides and their updating.
The Interregional Hiking Commission promotes, organises and coordinates practical and training activities associated with hiking in the mountains, encouraging cultural, historical, natural, environmental, general geographical and local knowledge. It is responsible for training and education and oversees the activities of hiking guides and their updating to ensure they acquire hiking experience, organisational abilities, a sense of responsibility and knowledge of safety and rescue techniques for leading groups on mountain trails.
Avalanche Service
The Italian Avalanche Service was set up in 1966 on the initiative of a number of ski touring enthusiasts with the aim of reducing the number of accidents caused by avalanches in the mountains. At that time, with the help of the Swiss Federal Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research at Davos, the first courses for the title of expert in snow and avalanches were organised in Italy.
In 1980, provincial and regional avalanche offices began operations. The Italian Avalanche Service is mainly active in training qualified personnel, informing the public and supporting scientific research.
The Commission for the Protection of the Mountain Environment promotes and divulgates knowledge of problems associated with conservation of the environment, including through the diffusion of appropriate knowledge of the natural sciences in collaboration with the Scientific Committee. It provides technical support to the Regional Management Committee, proposing appropriate conservation initiatives to safeguard the natural and cultural environment of the mountains, with particular regard to preventive conservation. It organises training and refresher courses for operators and experts in protection of the mountain environment.
Scientific Committee
In the region, the Scientific Committee for the Veneto and Friuli Venezia-Giulia promotes knowledge and study of natural and human aspects of mountain environments through training, information and research activities promoted by natural science and cultural operators.